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By Omar Johnson
The author has permitted the reprinting and redistribution of this article.


As a real estate investor and marketer a website should be an integral part of your lead generating campaign. It should be utilize to inform potential prospects about your services by detailing the ways in which you and your company can creatively buy their house. In addition, your website should be utilized to capture and follow up with leads.


So how should your website be constructed It should be constructed to convey your message to your motivated seller prospects. It should contain magic words that sell on every page on your site. Here are some examples of magic words that sell Convenience, No Risk, Quick Sale, No hassles, No Banks, and Creative Solutions.


In addition your website should be simple, plain and easy to navigate and shouldn’t contain unnecessary flash intros or other impediments that keep your message from getting across.


The following are the key elements that your website should contain


1) A home page or index page that contains a powerful headline that is designed to draw your prospect in to read the rest of the copy on your website and inspire them to act. An example of a powerful headline would be I Will Pay You All Cash And Buy Your House Today With No Contingencies And No Hassles


2) An About Us page that tells the prospect who you are and what you can do for them.


3) A Contact Us page-This page will contain ways in which to contact you. For example, your home phone# or business #, your cell Phone#, your email address, and your fax#. I suggest that you offer all of them.


4) Bodies of text on each web page that conveys the benefits to your prospects. Here are two examples of text that exhibit the benefits.


I don’t want to list your house, I Want To BUY It!

I will buy your house as is, for a fair price, on the date of your choice!


5) Testimonials of other satisfied customers. This enhances your believability and credibility. A word to the wise don’t make these testimonials up because not only is it illegal, it is unethical.


6) A Property Information Form- This form will ask for their name and contact information as well other relevant information like the property’s address, their asking price for the house, estimated value of it, their current monthly mortgage payment amount, the mortgage balance, repair costs, and the reason that they are selling their house.


7) A call to action – A call to action tells your prospect what to do if they want to sell their house. An example of a call to action would be a link that says LET US BUY YOUR HOUSE TODAY. The prospect is then instructed to click on this link which leads them straight to a Property Information Form where they would fill out the necessary information that will enable you to determine how to craft your offer and the way of communication to present that offer.


8)You must have a link on every page of your website that leads to your Property information Form so when the motivated seller gets the urge to take action they are just one click away from filling out the form.


In conclusion, one of the quickest and cheapest ways to get your website done is to outsource the project to a freelance website designer.


Omar Johnson is a successful real estate investor and author of the home study course Renegade Stealth Marketing For The Savvy Real Estate Entrepreneur For more info visit


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